Is Patriotism
(insert rounds of applause and much flag waving)
Please click here to head over and vote for Queenie's Arizona's Centennial quilt...
Yes, a shameless plea for votes :o)
Oh please, oh please vote for me as one of the five quilts you can cast your vote and my oh my there are some beauties to see.
Have a wonderful weekend!

All the best...
Hi Queenie . . .You Got My Vote!
I hope that you had a great 4th of July, too. I spent mine with my daughter and granddaughters and it was a delight. Connie :)
Hi Queenie! Love your quilt!!! You've got my vote too!
Just wanted to let you know that I could not reply to your comment on my blog post the other day because it says you are a "No Reply" blogger. I wasn't sure if you have it that way on purpose or would rather receive responses to your comments. If so, you can change it in your Profile section. It's always more fun to be able to connect to each other! :*)
Done! I voted for your quilt and your work is GoRgEoUs!!
Heading over to vote for your beautiful quilt!! Have a good Sunday!
Your quilt is gorgeous! I am on my way over to vote.
I've been and voted for you Queenie. :-)
I voted Queenie :) Your quilt was the best!
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