Friday, May 4, 2012

Happy Friday - Away the Mundane

"It's a dog's life"
The expression has been around since the 1600's.
Once meaning a woe begotten life. Now it denotes a carefree existence full of scratching, napping, sunbathing and the ever popular begging.
See the resemblance... Totally Miss Callie's dogged mind set regarding all things FOOD.
Peals of laughter ran round the hermoso castillo when Honey Man found this peek-a-boo puppie image!

On a slightly more sober note, sort of, not really... Queenie recently ran across this wee video about the trials and tribulations of a cat's life... Who knew the extreme emotional weight they bear...
Poor baby fur purrrr baby! :o(

OK everyone, all together now...
Lets do the
Away the Mundane Office Chair Happy Dance

Have a wonderful weekend,

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Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh a dog's life for sure!!! I played ball (fetch) with mine this mornin' treated her to doggie treats then she pretty much napped all day.

What a life!!! Loved the video sweetie!

God bless and have a fantastic weekend dear one!!! :o)

Carole Reid said...

Oh I wouldn't mind being a dog but I think I'd prefer being a cat! Sleep, eat, sleep, meow, sleep, purr, get some snuggles,sleep. Quite a life! Happy weekend to you!

Pellie / Penny said...

OH my but that video clip was soo darn cute.

Poor kitty.

Have a super fantastic weekend.


Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Love the dog poster. It fits ours perfectly.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Michele said...

such a dear pup! feed the poor thing will you? :) happy weekend! xo

Jennifer Michelle said...

Awww the kitty video! It was sort of sad, but sort of funny at the same time. Our precious fur loves!

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