Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Happy Friday - Away the Mundane
Queenie acquired this photo from the Gilbert Farmers Market Facebook page...
Queenie’s kingdom is blessed to have this farmers market in the area. HoneyMan and I purchase quite a bit of our produce and meat from local farmers from the market. It is a joy to develop relationships with the folks who raise our food. Queenie often feels a flight of old timely fancy to the days of Mom and Pop stores… Milk delivery to your door step… Eggs fresh from the farm….. Ahhhhhhh Yummy!
If you have not already please do stop by Amy's Spring 2012 Bloggers Quilt Festival.
The voting links are open and Queenie personally knows of a quilt worthy of your vote :o)
Yep, a shameless plug for votes *blush*
Click here to be magically transported to quilt heaven and remember #62. There are over 600 beautiful quilts to view and oogle over. So head on over and remember #62 :o)
Honey Man is forever finding way fun photos… Enjoy!
Alllll-righty now… You know how…
Everyone, get your groove and do the
Away the Mundane Office Chair Happy Dance

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Blogger’s Quilt Festival, Spring 2012: Arizona’s Centennial
Welcome intrepid travelers of the bloggisphere and from Amy’s Creative Side to Always, Queenie Believe and my entry in the Spring 2012 Blogger’s Quilt Festival:
Arizona’s Centennial
This quilt was inspired by this faboo Arizona fabric I happened across last summer while fabric shopping with the Queenie Mother, (A talented seamstress in her own right!) Little did I know at the time that it was the Arizona Centennial Quilt Challenge fabric…
The great state of Arizona turned 100 on Saint Valentine’s day, 2012. Needless to say, I walked out of the store with a yard or two of the fabric intrigued by the idea of creating an art quilt in celebration of my beloved Arizona’s birthday.
Queenie adventured on a flight of fancy with Arizona research in one hand and fabric in the other, coming up with this rough sketch centered around the Arizona fabric with design elements throughout from the state’s flag, seal, motto – ditat dues (God Enriches), and the major developing industries – copper, cotton and cattle. I then drafted a full size pattern 40” x 40” working out proportions to please...
Queenie selected various fabrics from her stash and purchased several more who would play well with the Arizona fabric and be best friends with the design...
I auditioned several fabrics for the sunburst and rays. With the finalists selected and order of appearance decided the cutting commenced with stacks of strips…
Becoming many so many squares, of two sizes in fact…
Then transformed into half square triangle strips...
Forming radiating sun beams...
Until there was a sunburst...
The bountiful blue horizon fell into place; followed by hand appliquéd birth dates, golden shining star and the great state of Arizona.
Next up the interior of the shining star and Arizona’s motto appliquéd its way on there too…
Followed by even more fun appliqué… Saguaro cacti standing tall…
Cotton at its peak, ready for harvesting into more quilt fabric...
A pick and shovel, a salute to the Copper industry...
And big bull horns, a nod to the Cattle industry.
With the top complete…
Queenie had a full tilt, marathon machine quilting and finishing week of sewing flurry and fun. Just in time to submit it to the Arizona Quilter’s Guild’s Annual Quilt Show.
On that 2nd Saturday in March as I meandered around the show, I rounded the bend and spotted a red ribbon on Queenie's wee quilt...
To my complete surprise I won second place in the Centennial Fabric Challenge category!!!! Surprise and much effort holding back tears I stood and stared soaking it in... My first quilt show and I win a prize Yay!!! and Hurray!!!
A very special thanks to my followers, regular visitors and especially Honey Man and the Delicious for without your awesome words of encouragement and support I would not have mustered the courage to enter the quilt show. Royal waves and kisses to all!!
To see a bevy of beautiful quilts beyond belief Queenie invites you to head over to Amy’s Creative Side to lose yourself in a visual vacation at the Spring 2012 Blogger’s Quilt Festival (Starting Friday May 18, 2012). Click here to be magically transported to quilt heaven complete with giveaways galore.
Thanks for visiting Queenie’s wee blog!!!
Have a great day!

Friday, May 11, 2012
Happy Friday - Away the Mundane
Greetings one and all to the down slope of Friday…
Shall we launch ourselves into a wonderful weekend?
It occurred to Queenie that perhaps a few of you may be shy and not comfortable getting your Away the Mundane Office Chair Happy Dance groove on…. So Queenie in her benevolence surfed YouTube and found some fun examples to inspire you to office chair happy dance greatness…
As a matter of note, Queenie is not in any of these videos but the little grey cells are whirling ;o)
First up we have a fine example of upper body office chair happy dance. A bevy of awesome moves for the beginner or as a warm up to bigger things…
Next we have Jeremy who is a great sport and shows happy abandon in his office chair dance interpretation…
Lastly we have a wonder fully choreographed office chair ballet for those who want to kick it up a notch…
With all that inspiration Queenie knows
you can’t help but join in…
I know you can!
Everyone, all together now…
Ah, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Away the Mundane Office Chair Happy Dance

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Dog Food Recall - Yikes!
Queenie just learned of the recent dog food recall here in the United States - YIKES!
Honey Man and I would be in deepest darkest mourning if our Delicious were sick as dogs because of their food.
Keep your fur babes safe and click here to view a list of recalled dog food.
Have a great day!
Honey Man and I would be in deepest darkest mourning if our Delicious were sick as dogs because of their food.
Keep your fur babes safe and click here to view a list of recalled dog food.
Have a great day!

Monday, May 7, 2012
Monday Musings
Queenie sends royal waves of greeting to all from her office chair throne in the mundane. I hereby decree and declare that Mondays in the mundane be filled with lunch breaks of marvelous musings and favorite things.
This Monday let there be bears!
This wee Mama Bear and Baby Bear are of Queenie's fanciful creation in the land of snowy white polars. Like most bears in captivity they have nary a clue about snow or either of the Brrrrrr freezing poles. Rather, they quite enjoy their life smiling and humming soft teddy bear tunes from atop Queenie’s studio treasure shelf.

Friday, May 4, 2012
Happy Friday - Away the Mundane
"It's a dog's life"
The expression has been around since the 1600's.
Once meaning a woe begotten life. Now it denotes a carefree existence full of scratching, napping, sunbathing and the ever popular begging.
See the resemblance... Totally Miss Callie's dogged mind set regarding all things FOOD.
Peals of laughter ran round the hermoso castillo when Honey Man found this peek-a-boo puppie image!
On a slightly more sober note, sort of, not really... Queenie recently ran across this wee video about the trials and tribulations of a cat's life... Who knew the extreme emotional weight they bear...
Poor baby fur purrrr baby! :o(
Have a wonderful weekend,
The expression has been around since the 1600's.
Once meaning a woe begotten life. Now it denotes a carefree existence full of scratching, napping, sunbathing and the ever popular begging.
See the resemblance... Totally Miss Callie's dogged mind set regarding all things FOOD.
Peals of laughter ran round the hermoso castillo when Honey Man found this peek-a-boo puppie image!
On a slightly more sober note, sort of, not really... Queenie recently ran across this wee video about the trials and tribulations of a cat's life... Who knew the extreme emotional weight they bear...
Poor baby fur purrrr baby! :o(
OK everyone, all together now...
Lets do the
Away the Mundane Office Chair Happy Dance
Have a wonderful weekend,

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
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