Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Follow Queenie

Google Friend Connect (Followers) is riding off into the sunset and will no longer be a handy devise for wonderful bloggy followers to keep track of the beautiful blogs they visit and vice versa.

But, Queenie has two alternatives for my most excellent followers, super subscribers and welcome visitors to keep abreast of all the goings on in my bloggy kingdom.

Cast your gaze to the upper right of the right side bar. 

There you will see “Linky Followers” a lovely free service created especially to fill the void that Google Friend Connect will leave behind. Click on the electric blue “Follow” to open an account and follow Always, Queenie Believe and all your treasured blogs.


On the right, just below Linky Followers is “Follow by Email” which magically sends each new post from Queenie right to your email inbox. Easy Peasy :o)

I hope all of my most excellent followers, super subscribers and welcome visitors will avail themselves of these new features.  Queenie would be in deepest darkest mourning to lose any of you as Google Friend Connect rides off into the sunset.

Have a great day!

Always, Queenie Believe


Myric said...

Just followed you through linky tools and I am in your google friend connect to be sure :)


Terra said...

I am one of your followers and can not read your post today; it shows as light grey text on light gold background.

Jennifer Michelle said...

What on earth?! I did not know that google friend connect was ending! That sucks big time! I am going to have to start this new linky situation!

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