Queenie ran across some long forgotten pictures the other day and thought I would share them to help
Away your Friday Mundane.
As you may recall Queenie and her kingdom lived in beautiful Virginia for a wee spell. To aid your recollection click here.
Down the road a piece from Queenie’s Elfin Magic House there is an absolutely wonderful living history museum that will blow your socks right off into next week…
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
in Williamsburg, Virginia
Queenie has many a story to tell about this very special place.
…Including a time, in the way back machine, well before Honey Man and the Delicious, when Queenie worked for the foundation in her costume adventuring days.
Today I will merely wet your whistle for the tales to come…
And to encourage you to visit the awesome blog
It is Darryl and Ruth’s daily photo blog of this wonderful and enchanted place.
For a wonderful Away the Mundane adventure click here to visit Williamsburg through their beautiful photos of an enchanted and downright awesome place.
!!!Happy Friday!!!